This version of the KREHA Covenants is from a scanned OCR copy. Every effort was made to ensure that it
resembles the original however, there may be slight differences. This version does not include the many amendments and agreements affecting setback, access, etc.
DECLARANT. Citizens Service Corporation (hereinafter "Declarant") is
the owner of certain real property described in paragraph 1.2 below. Declarant
hereby declares that the real property described in paragraph 1.2 below shall
be held, transferred, sold, and conveyed subject to the conditions,
restrictions, covenants, reservations, easements and charges (hereinafter
collectively referred to as "Covenants") set forth in this Declaration.
PROPERTY SUBJECT TO COVENANTS. All of the property within the plat of Kopachuck
Ridge Estates Divisions 1 and 2, which plats have been recorded with the Pierce
County Auditor's Office under Auditor's File No. 8506130179 and 8506130180 and
subsequent divisions of Kopachuck Ridge Estates are subject to the Covenants
contained in this Declaration.
INTENT AND TERM OF THE COVENANTS. The Covenants contained in this Declaration
are for the benefit of all the property subject to the Covenants and for the
benefit of each and every separate parcel or subdivision of that property. The
Covenants shall apply to the benefit of, shall burden, and shall pass with the
property and each and every parcel thereof, and shall apply to and bind the
owners of the property subject to these Covenants, their legal representatives,
heirs, successors, and assigns in perpetuity.
PERMITTED USE. No lot within the plat of Kopachuck Ridge Estates Div. 1 & 2
or subsequent divisions shall be used for any purpose other than the
construction of a single-family dwelling. No building shall be erected,
altered, placed, or permitted to remain on any lot other than one detached
single-family dwelling, and a private garage for not lees than two cars.
2.2 NO
TEMPORARY DWELLINGS. No trailer, basement, mobile home, shack, garage, barn or
any other outbuilding, or any other structure of a temporary character shall be
used on any lot at any time as either a temporary or permanent residence.
NUISANCE. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot,
nor shall anything be done on any lot which is or may become an annoyance or
nuisance to the neighborhood. No boats, trailers, or recreational vehicle shall
be stored or kept on any lot for a period of more than 24 hours, unless said
boat, trailer or R.V. is enclosed or screened such that it is not visible from
any street or any other lot in the plat. The streets within the plat of
Kopachuck Ridge Estates shall not be used for overnight parking of any vehicles
other than private automobiles. This covenant specifically restricts street
parking of boats, trailers, or other R.V. vehicles.
VACANT LOTS. Vacant lots shall be maintained in a reasonable presentable condition.
Debris, weeds or other waste material shall be removed or controlled.
TRASH. No garbage, refuse, or rubbish shall be deposited or kept on any lot or
building unit except in suitable containers. All areas for the deposit,
storage, or collection of garbage or trash shall be substantially screened from
neighboring property, and from the common roads and paths. All equipment for
the storage or disposal of trash, garbage, or other waste shall be kept in a
clean and sanitary condition.
ANIMALS. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or
kept on any lot except as specifically provided for herein. Dogs, cats, and
other household pets may be kept provided that they are not kept, bred or
maintained for commercial purposes, that no more than two dogs and/or two cats
may be kept on any one lot, and further provided that they are not kept in
separate exterior kennels. (The intent of this covenant is to preclude both
visual and audible annoyances to adjoining lots.)
FENCES. No fences, wall, hedge or mass planting, other than a foundation
planting, shall be permitted to extend nearer to any street or private road
than the minimum setback line required by ordinance; provided, however, that
nothing shall prevent the erection of a necessary retaining wall, the top of
which does not extend more than two feet above the finished grade at the back
of said retaining wall; provided, further, that no fence, wall, hedge or mass
planting shall at any time extend higher than six feet above the ground. No
wire fences shall be used for fencing any lot unless approved by the
Architectural Control Committee. The finished side of all fences shall face the
exterior of the lot.
SIGNS. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any lot
except for the following:
2.8.1 A
sign, no larger than five square feet, advertising the (sic) property for sale
or rent; or
The signs used by a builder or builders to advertise the property during the
construction and sales period.
No radio or television antennae or transmitters shall exceed twenty (20) feet
above the roof ridge line of a dwelling, and no separate towers for such
antennae or transmitters shall be permitted. Provided, however, that the
Architectural Control Committee may further restrict or forbid the erection of any antennae. Cable receiving dishes or any electronic receiving dishes are
UTILITY SERVICE. No outdoor overhead wire or service drop for the distribution
of electric energy or for telecommunication purposes, nor any pole, tower or
other structure supporting said overhead wires shall be erected, placed or
maintained on the property subject to this Declaration.
STORM DRAINS. The owner or occupant of any building constructed on any lot
within the plat of Kopachuck Ridge Estates Div. 1 and subsequent divisions
shall maintain in proper working order all roof drains and area storm drains on
that lot.
CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. Any dwelling or structure erected or placed on any lot in
this subdivision shall be completed as to external appearance, including finish
painting and landscaping, within nine (9) months from date of start of
construction. Houses on a lot shall be constructed only by a duly-licensed
LANDSCAPING. Planting materials used shall not exceed 25 feet in height at
maturity, nor shall any tree or vegetation other than fir or hemlock be
permitted to grow on any lot to a height that exceeds the ridge line height of
the building on that lot. This covenant is intended to prevent the interruption
of view from growth of alder, madrona or other bush-type trees.
OIL DRILLING, ETC. No oil drilling, oil development operations, oil refining, quarrying or mining operations of
any kind shall be permitted upon or in any lot, nor shall oil wells, tanks,
tunnels, mineral excavations, or shafts be permitted upon or in any lot. No
derrick or other structure designed for use in boring for oil or natural gas
shall be erected, maintained or permitted upon any lot.
WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM. No individual water supply system shall be permitted at
any time upon any lot.
CLOTHES DRYING AREA. No portion of any lot shall be used as a drying or hanging
area for laundry of any kind where it can be viewed from any street or adjacent house.
YARD LAMPS. Each owner of a lot within the plat of Kopachuck Ridge Estates Div.
1 and subsequent divisions shall install, at the sole expense of the lot owner,
a minimum of one yard lamp at the driveway entrance to the lot for the purpose
of street and driveway entrance illumination. Said yard lamp(s) shall not
exceed five (5) feet in height above road grade. Installation, repair and
maintenance of the yard lamp(s) shall be the sole responsibility of the
individual lot owners. Enforcement shall be as provided for in Article II,
Paragraph 2.17.
MAINTENANCE NOTICE/ASSESSMENT OF COSTS. When in the opinion of the Assessment
Committee certain maintenance needs to be performed on a lot or lots, the
Committee shall notify the Owner by certified mail specifying in said notice
exactly what needs to be repaired, or maintained. The Owner shall then have
thirty (30) days from receipt of such notice to perform the necessary
maintenance or to make written demand for a hearing before the Committee. If a
hearing is demanded, the Committee shall set a date therefore and give the
owner at least ten (10) days notice thereof. The hearing shall be informal and
rules of evidence shall not apply. The Committee shall render its decision in
writing. The cost of such exterior maintenance actually performed shall be
added to and become a part of the assessment to which the lot is subject.
ESTABLISHMENT. An Architectural Control Committee shall be established. The Committee shall have three (3)
members. The initial members shall be
appointed and may be removed by the Declarant. The members of the Committee
shall designate one of their number to serve as chairman of the Committee and
shall adopt such procedures and guidelines as they deem necessary for the
orderly administration of their work. The initial Address of the Architectural
Control Committee shall be P.O. Box 1848, Bellevue, Washington 98009.
STRUCTURES. No building, fence, hedge, wall or other structure shall be
erected, placed or altered on any lot or building site within the plat of
Kopachuck Ridge Estates until the building plans, specifications and plot plans
are submitted by the owner or his representative to the Architectural Control Committee
for approval.
LAND CLEARING. No native trees or significant ground cover which are located
outside of the approved building site, as provided for in Article IV of this
Declaration, shall be cut, removed, or destroyed without the approval of the
Architectural Control Committee. Any person wishing to cut, remove or destroy
such trees or significant ground cover shall submit a plan showing the location
of the trees or ground cover to be cut, removed, or destroyed, along with the
location of the existing trees or ground cover to be retained. The applicant
shall also submit a brief statement of the reasons supporting his request to
cut, remove or destroy such trees or ground cover.
The Architectural Control Committee may specify that certain trees are to be
preserved within the approved building site.
CRITERIA. The Architectural Control Committee shall consider the following
criteria in approving or rejecting the plans submitted to it.
The harmony of the external design, color, and appearance of the proposal in
relation to the surrounding neighborhood.
The location of the proposal on the lot in regard to slopes, soil conditions,
existing trees and vegetation, roads and services, and existing building.
The other effects of the proposal on surrounding property including, but not
limited to, potential view blockage.
The compliance of the proposal with the Covenants contained in this
PROCEDURE The Architectural Control Committee shall approve or reject the plans
submitted to it within thirty (30) days from the date of the submission of the
plans to the chairman of the Committee unless the person submitting the plans
consents to an extension of the time for a decision. If the committee does not
issue a decision within thirty (30) days from the date of the submission of the
plans for the proposal, the plans shall be deemed to be approved. The committee
shall have the right to reject, for any reason whatsoever, any proposal which
it decides is not suitable or desirable. The committee's decision shall be in
writing and if a proposal is not approved, the decision shall include a brief
statement of the reasons for the committee's action.
For the purpose of further insuring the development of the subdivision as a
residential area of high standard. Declarant reserves the right to control the
building and structures placed on each residential site. The owner or occupant
of each residential site by acceptance of title thereto or by taking possession
thereof, covenants and agrees that no building, wall, fence, swimming pool or
other structure shall be placed upon such site unless and until the plans and
specifications therefore and the plot plan have been submitted to and approved
in writing by the Architectural Control Committee. EACH PLAN SHALL SHOW THE
FOLLOWING: residential site dimension; location of all structures to be or
already constructed on the residential site; elevations of basement and other
floors in relation to the top of thickened edge elevations; the elevation of
the highest ridge line in relation to the top of thickened edge elevations and
the top of existing grade elevations; and other utility connections. Each such
building, wall, fence, swimming pool or other structure shall be placed on a
residential site only in accordance with the plans and specifications and plot
plan so approved. Disapproval of plans and specifications may be based upon any
ground including purely aesthetic grounds, which in the sole discretion of the
Declarant, ACC or its successor shall be sufficient. No alteration of the
exterior appearance including color of any buildings or structures shall be
made without prior approval. All buildings and other structures, except
swimming pools and fences, must be designed by a registered architect, a
professional building designer, or by another qualified person or firm who is
approved in writing by Declarant, ACC or its successor. Architectural approval
or disapproval, as required in these Covenants shall be in writing. Any proposed
changes or additions to an approved set of architectural plans, site plan or
landscaping plans must be submitted to Declarant, the ACC or its successor
TERM. The Architectural Control Committee shall continue in existence until the
last house within the plat of Kopachuck Ridge Estates Division 1 and subsequent
divisions of Kopachuck Ridge Estates has been completed.
3.7 NO
LIABILITY. The members of the Architectural Control Committee shall have no
personal liability for any action by or decision of the committee. By
acceptance of a deed to any property within the plat of Kopachuck Ridge
Estates, the owner of that property agrees and covenants not to maintain any
action against any member of the Architectural Control Committee which seeks to
hold that member personally or individually liable for damages relating to or
caused by any action of or decision by the Committee.
DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE. Upon the termination of the Architectural Control
Committee, the property owners of record within, the plat of Kopachuck Ridge
Estates shall have the right to appoint a Design Review Committee to fulfill
the continuing obligations imposed upon the Architectural Control Committee by
the terms of this Declaration. The Design Review Committee shall be composed of
three members who shall be owners of property within or residents of Kopachuck
Ridge Estates. The Design Review Committee shall have all the powers and
authority granted to the Architectural Control Committee under the terms of
this Declaration and any reference to the ACC in this Declaration shall also
refer to the Design Review Committee unless otherwise clearly stated or unless
clearly indicated by the context of the reference.
HOUSE LOCATION. The location and shape of the house footprint on each lot shall
be determined by taking into consideration the vegetation, topography, view and
relationship to adjacent house~. The minimum size of the house footprint for a
Rambler shall be 1800 square feet exclusive of porches and garage. The minimum
size for a Two-Story (above dirt grade at house location) shall be 2200 square
feet exclusive of porches and garage. After review and approval of the house
plans and the plot plan by the Architectural Control Committee, the plans shall
be submitted to the building department for their review and issuance of a
SETBACKS. No building shall be located on any building site nearer to the front
lot line than the -minimum building setback line provided by law. No building shall be located on any building
site nearer than eight feet (8’) from the side lot lines; and thirty feet (30')
from the rear lot line.
LOCATION. Those areas designated as "Native Growth Protection
Easement" on the final plat of Kopachuck Ridge Estates Division 1 and
subsequent developments shall be maintained to the extent possible, in a
natural state. The "Native Growth Protection Easement" is also
designated as a public utility and public pedestrian easement.
RESTRICTIONS. Within the boundaries of the Native Growth Protection Easement no
trees or significant ground cover shall be cut, removed, or destroyed except as
specifically provided herein.
HAND PRUNING. Hand pruning of trees for view maintenance within the Native
Growth Protection Easement shall be permitted only upon written approval of the
Architectural Control Committee. Such approval shall be granted only after the
Architectural Control Committee has determined that the proposed pruning will
not endanger slope stability, will- not defeat the intent or purpose meant to
be served by the establishment of the Native Growth Protection Easement, and
will not adversely affect the tree or trees to be pruned. The Architectural
Control Committee shall require that any such pruning be done in a competent
and workmanlike manner and the Committee may require that such pruning be done
by a professional gardening service or a licensed tree surgeon.
SAFETY. Trees and significant ground cover within "the Native Growth
Protection Easement may be cut, destroyed, or removed when such an action is
necessary to remove a present-danger to life or property. Dead, dying, or
diseased trees and ground cover, or trees and ground cover which present a fire
hazard, may also be removed. Approval of the Architectural Control Committee
shall be obtained for such removal except in cases of imminent danger.
5.5 NO
DUMPING. No trash, debris, rubbish or other material shall be dumped or
disposed of within the Native Growth Protection Easement.
IMPROVEMENTS. No structures may be erected within the Native Growth Protection
Easement, except those related to trail and storm drainage improvements.
MOTOR VEHICLES. No motorized vehicles shall be allowed within Growth Protection
Easement except as required for maintenance of public private utilities or
construction of public walkways.
LOCATION. Those areas designated as "Storm Drainage Easement" on the
final plat map of Kopachuck Ridge Estates Div. 1 and subsequent divisions.
RESTRICTIONS. No clearing, permanent landscaping, structures or fencing other
than those acceptable to the Pierce County Public Works Department shall be
placed on or within the designated storm drainage easement.
MAINTENANCE. In the event said storm drainage easement requires maintenance,
repair or replacement as determined by the County Engineer, the County or their
Agent shall have the right to enter on said lots adjoining the easement for the
purposed of maintaining, repairing, relocating or replacing same, and the lot
owners shall be responsible for the restoration of their private improvements
within the easement. Should the County Engineer elect to relocate said storm
drain to another public utility easement designated on the plat, the County or
their Agent may do so and all costs or restoration therein shall be borne by
the County.
COMMON OWNERSHIP. Each owner of a lot within the plat of 'Kopachuck Ridge
Estates Div. 1 and subsequent divisions shall also own a common, undivided
interest in those areas designated on the final plat map of Kopachuck Ridge
Estates Division 1 and subsequent divisions as private roads, tracts, and/or
common area. These areas shall be referred to therein as the common property.
Each owner of a lot within the plat of Kopachuck Ridge Estates shall have a
right to use and to enjoy the common property according to the nature of that
property and subject the restrictions contained in this Declaration.
CREATION OF LIEN AND PERSONAL OBLIGATION. Each owner of a lot within the plat
of Kopachuck Ridge Estates, by acceptance of the deed to or other conveyance of
that lot, shall be deemed to covenant and agree to pay any and all assessments
provided for in this Article. These assessments, together with any interest or
cost of collection, shall be a continuing lien upon the property which is the
subject of such assessment. Each owner
of a lot within the plat of Kopachuck Ridge Estates Div. 1 and subsequent
divisions shall also be personally obligated to pay the amount of any assessment
levied against his property during the time that he is the owner thereof,
together with any interest
costs of collection on that assessment.
This personal obligation shall not be released by any transfer of the
property subsequent to the effective date of the assessment.
ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE. An Assessment Committee shall be provided for herein.
This Committee shall establish rules and procedures for the fulfillment of its
obligation. It shall hold regular meetings and establish regular and special
assessments as provided for herein.
The Assessment Committee shall consist of three members. These members shall
initially be appointed by Declarant.
After the sale of the first ten (10) lots in the plat of Kopachuck Ridge
Estates Div. 1, the owners of record of those lots shall elect one member of
the Committee. Upon the sale of the next ten(10) lots in the plat of Kqpachuck
Ridge Estates Div. 1 & 2, the owners of record of all the non-exempt lots
in the plat shall, elect a second member to the committee. Upon the sale of the
last lot owned by Declarant, or upon the expiration of five (5) years from the
date of recording of the final plat of Kopachuck Ridge Estates Div. 3,
whichever occurs first, the owners of record of all the lots in the plat of
Kopachuck Ridge Estates Division 1, 2 and 3 shall elect a third member of the
PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENTS. The assessment levied by the committee shall be used
exclusively to maintain the common property in such a manner as to ensure and
promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of Kopachuck Ridge
REGULAR ASSESSMENTS. Once a year the committee shall determine the amount of
money necessary for the ordinary maintenance of the common property and the
operation of the Assessment Committee. This amount will be equally divided
among the nonexempt lots in the plat of Kopachuck Ridge Estate and notice of
such assessment shall be given to each property owner in the manner prescribed
by the Committee. The Committee shall establish
procedures for the payment of such assessments.
SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. If the Committee determines that a special assessment is
necessary for the extraordinary maintenance of or capital improvements to the
common property, the committee shall send a notice of special assessment to the
owners of all nonexempt lots within Kopachuck Ridge Estates. This notice shall include a statement of the
reasons such an assessment is necessary, the amount to be assessed, the method
of payment proposed by the committee, and the date and place for a meeting to
discuss such a special assessment. This
meeting shall be held no sooner than thirty (30) days from the date of the
notice of special assessment. The
meeting will be conducted according to the rules adopted by the Assessment
Committee and the owner of each nonexempt lot shall be entitled to one vote for
each lot owned within the plat of Kopachuck Ridge Estates. Approval of a special assessment shall
require consent of two-thirds (2/3) of the nonexempt lots.
ENFORCEMENT. If any assessment is not paid according to the procedures
established by the Assessment Committee, the amount of the assessment shall
bear interest at the maximum legal rate and the Assessment Committee shall file
a lien on the property subject to the unpaid assessment for the amount of the
assessment plus interest. The
Assessment Committee may bring an action at law to enforce payment of a
delinquent assessment against the owner of record of the property subject to
the unpaid assessment in order to recover the amount of the assessment, and the
Assessment Committee may also take whatever measures are provided for by law to
foreclose or collect on the lien filed on the property subject to the
assessment. In the event of legal
action to enforce or collect any assessment, the prevailing party shall be
entitled to recover court costs, actual attorney's fees, and the other expenses
of litigation.
EXEMPT PROPERTY. All lots owned by the Declarant shall be exempt from any
assessment provided for herein for a period of seven (7) years following the
date of recording of the final plat of Kopachuck Ridge Estates Div. 1.
ENFORCEMENT. Any owner of property within the plat of Kopachuck Ridge Estates
shall have the right to enforce the Covenants contained in this Declaration
through an action at law or in equity.
The Architectural Control Committee shall also have the right to bring
such action in its name. The prevailing party in any action brought to enforce
the Covenants contained in this Declaration shall have the right to collect
attorney's fees, court costs, and other expenses of litigation, in addition to
any damages which may be awarded.
WAIVER. The failure to enforce any Covenant contained in this Declaration shall
not be deemed a waiver of the right to enforce such a Covenant.
SEVERABILITY. If any Covenant contained in this Declaration is held invalid,
the remainder of the Declaration shall not be affected and shall continue in
full force and effect.
CAPTIONS. The captions in this Declaration are inserted only as a matter of
convenience and for reference, and in no way describe, define or limit the
intent of this Declaration. The captions are not to be used in interpreting
this Declaration.
MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES. These Covenants shall in no way restrict the effect of
any ordinance adopted by a municipal corporation having jurisdiction over any
portion of the property subject to this Declaration. References to ordinances
made in this Declaration shall be construed as references to the ordinances as
they exist as of the date of the recordation of this Declaration or as they may
thereafter be amended.
INTERPRETATION. The Architectural Control Committee shall have the right to
determine all questions arising in connection with this Declaration and to
construe and interpret the provisions of this Declaration. Its good faith
determination, construction, or interpretation of this Declaration shall be
final and binding.
WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Declaration this 25th
day of February, 1985.
By:/s/John W. Ramsey
By:/s/William H. Lyle
to original Declaration for Notarization.
# |
Height |
From |
At |
1 |
above road |
of thickened edge |
C.O.L. |
2 |
18’ above road |
Top of
thickened edge |
C.O.L. |
3 |
18’ above road |
Top of
thickened edge |
C.O.L. |
4 |
20’ above road |
Top of thickened
edge |
C.O.L @ 50th
Ct. N.W. |
5 |
30’ above road |
Top of
thickened edge |
C.O.L. @ 104th
Ave. |
6 |
30’ above road |
Top of
thickened edge |
C.O.L. |
7 |
20’ above road |
Top of
thickened edge |
C.O.L. |
8 |
18’ above road |
Top of
thickened edge |
C.O.L. |
9 |
18’ above road |
Top of
thickened edge |
C.O.L. |
10 |
above existing ground elevation, measured at SE corner of Lot 9. (A
11 |
above existing ground elevation, measured at SW corner of Lot 12. (A 50’
12 |
15’ above road |
Top of
thickened edge |
C.O.L. |
13 |
15’ above road |
Top of
thickened edge |
C.O.L. @ 50th
St. N.W. |
14 |
15’ above road |
Top of
thickened edge |
C.O.L. |
18 |
sideline setback from the line between Lots 18 and 19 SEE
19 |
front yard setback SEE
31 |
30’ above road |
Top of
thickened edge |
C.O.L. @ 50th
Ct. N.W. |
32 |
30’ above road |
Top of
thickened edge |
C.O.L. |
Lot 10
and 11 have very restricted building area, raised height restrictions on Lots
7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
C.O.L. refers to "Center of Lot"
Lot 10
and 11 see above
very small area to build
home on
may need additional
but should be
as to size.
Lot 18
above 20' side set back help maintain view from 19.