Article II
Permitted Use. " other use than one single detached single-family
dwelling, and garage for not less than two cars."
2.2 No
Temporary Dwellings. "' trailer, basement, mobile home, shack, or any
other building".
2.3 Nuisance
"... no boats, trailers, or recreational vehicles shall be stored or kept
on any lot for a period of more than 24 hours, unless... enclosed or screened
so not visible from street or any other lot. No overnight parking on streets
except for private automobiles."
2.4 Vacant
Lots. "... maintained in reasonable presentable condition. Debris, weeds
or any other material shall be removed or controlled."
2.5 Trash.
"No garbage, refuse, or rubbish shall be deposited or kept on any lot or
building unit except in suitable containers.
2.6 Animals.
" more than two dogs and/or two cats "
2.7 Fences.
"... no fences nearer than minimum setback,...higher two feet above
finished grade, no higher than six feet, no wire fencing unless approved by
Architectural Control Committee (ACC).
2.8 Signs.
"" signs except for property for sale, or larger than
five square feet."
2.11 Storm
Drains. " the owners of K.R.E shall maintain in proper working order all
roof drains and area storm drains".
Construction Period. "... shall be completed as to external appearance,
including finish painting and landscaping, within nine months from date of
start of construction."
Landscaping (VIEW)."... Planting materials used shall not exceed 25 feet
in height at maturity,... nor exceeds the ridge line height of the building on
that lot."
2.16 Clothes
Drying Area. "" drying hanging of laundry that can be view from
2.17 Yard
Lamps." each owner shall install, ...a minimum of one yard lamp at the
driveway entrance."
Maintenance Notice/Assessment of Costs." when ACC decides maintenance
needs to be performed on a lot, the ACC will notify owner by certified mail.
The owner shall have thirty days from receipt to make necessary repairs has
specified in letter. Owner may ask for a hearing before the ACC..."
Architectural Control Committee
Structures. " no building, fence, hedge, wall or other structure shall be
erected, placed or altered on any lot or building site unless submitted and
approved by ACC."
3.3 Land
Clearing. " native trees or significant ground cover outside of
approved building site shall be cut removed or destroyed without approval by
the ACC."
Criteria (Decisions by the ACC)"... harmony of external design, color, and
appearance in relation to the surrounding neighborhood... the location of the
proposal in regard to slope, soil, existing trees ,roads and existing
buildings... effects on surrounding property including but not limited to view
Procedure (ACC). "...approve or reject within 30 days. If no action within
that time frame the plan is considered approved. The ACC shall have the right
to reject for any reason whatsoever an proposal which it decides is not
suitable or desirable.
Petitioner to the ACC." each owners agrees that no building, wall, fence,
or other structure shall be placed on their lot unless approved by the
ACC...each plan submitted to the ACC shall show: site dimensions, location of
existing structures ,ridge line relationship (if applicable ),and design plan
for new structure. All buildings and other structure must be designed by
architect. No alteration of the exterior appearance including color of any
buildings or structures shall be made without prior approval."