Contact Us
If you would like to report an incident in our neigborhood such as reporting a lost or loose dog, solicitors roaming the neighborhood, clogged street drain, fallen tree, or anything else that needs attention, please use the Board email address below or call any Board member.
If you would like to contact the elected officers of the KREHA or the webmaster of this web site, use the addresses listed below.
Note that the names of the officers listed below will change from time to time, so you may want to refresh this page to ensure you are viewing the latest information.
Title companies requesting information, please contact the Treasurer.
Mailing Address:
Kopachuck Ridge Estates Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 1954
Gig Harbor, WA 98335-1954
Washington Unified Business Identifier: 601238361
KREHA Association Board Members(Last Update - 6-23-2022):
Assessment Committee
-- Ivan Gorne
-- Cliff Uehlin
-- Joe Corona
-- President: Justin Foster
-- Vice President: Clair Alley
-- Treasurer: Marelise Nieuwenhuisen
-- Secretary: Andrea Corona
Design Review Committee
-- Chad Alvarado
-- Matt Landers
-- Vacant
Special Committees Commissioned by the Assessment Committee:
Road and Drain Committee:
-- Susan Paganelli
-- Greg Baer (outgoing)
Email Addresses: (Note that the addresses below must be manually typed in to your email program.)
(Addresses were changed on 3-27-2016)
President: xxxxx-president[at]
Treasurer: xxxxx-treasurer[at]
Board: xxxxx-board[at]
DRC: xxxxx-drc[at]
Webmaster: xxxxx-webmaster[at]
Substitute "kreha" for the xxxxx and use an at-sign in place of the [at].