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KREHA Automated Messaging

(Click on the small speaker symbol above to hear the latest message.)

In 2008 KREHA implemented an automated telephone messaging system to notify our members of various events occurring in and around our neighborhood. In April 2009 this system was expanded to include automated emailing and to increase the number of phone calls from about 7 calls per year to unlimited calls. The system is used for things such as...

  • eminent public safety/security threat,
  • sightings of predatory animals (bear, cougar),
  • missing child or senior w/diminished capacity,
  • scheduled road or utility closures/outages,
  • other utility maintenance events
  • annual members and board meetings
  • notices regarding local events

The Association President, Vice President, Webmaster and AC members are authorized to initiate calls. The system is capable of calling up to six phone numbers for each household and emailing to five email addresses. You may want to include your cell phone or work phone numbers and work email addresses.

Please fill out the Contact Information page to change phone numbers, add numbers and email addresses or opt out if you would rather not receive any messages. You will automatically receive messages from this system to the phone number and email address on the roster unless you opt out. You can also opt out using the telephone at the time a call is made to your phone however this method will not work over the long haul as we periodically update the system roster with the information we collect from the Contact Information page. If we don't catch your desire to opt-out, please send us an email.

You can hear the latest message by clicking on the OneCallNow banner on this page or on the home page. You can also hear the latest message by calling 877-698-3261 or 866-321-4255.

Members: Please REGISTER for the Web Site by completing the Contact Information form.

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