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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is KREHA and how is it organized?

The Kopachuck Ridge Estates Homewoners Association is made up of homeowners and property owners of the lots that make up the Kopachuck Ridge Estates Plat in unincorporated Pierce County, Washington. The Association is established by the Protective Convenants and Bylaws. The Board of Directors, Assessment Committee and Design Review Committee are made up of volunteer homeowners living in KRE.

The KREHA Board of Directors consists of a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary and is responsible for administrating Association business including meetings, records and financial matters.

The KREHA Assessment Committee consists of three members and is responsible for determining the funds needed by the Association to maintain the common property within Kopachuck Ridge Estates and to levy an equal portion to each property owner annually as described in the Protective Covenants.

The KREHA Design Review Committee consists of three members and is responsible for interpretation and enforcement of restrictions, easements and agreements described in the Protective Covenants for the plat of Kopachuck Ridge Estates.

Are there covenants and bylaws?

Yes! The Protective Covenants were put in place by the developers of KRE in 1986. The Declaration of Protective Covenants consists of eight articles covering restrictions, easements and agreements for the plat of Kopachuck Ridge Estates. The Covenants are available to view on the web site. All property owners are bound by the Covenants.

The Bylaws were written by the KRE Homeowners Association. It also consists of eight articles and covers membership, officers and committee members and procedures. The Bylaws are available to view on the web site

Who belongs to the Association?

Can I get a roster of members?

What does my annual fee pay for?

How is the annual fee determined?

When are meetings held and can I attend?

How do they get the word out about meetings?

How can I serve on the board or a committee?

Is there a homeowners mass meeting?

What is the Board of Directors and what do they do?

How are officers and committee members selected?

Nominations are taken at the yearly mass meeting and a vote is taken.

What is the term of service for the board members?

What is the Assessment Committee and what does it do?

What is the term of service of the Assessment Committee members?

When does the Assessment Committee meet and can I attend?

What is the Design Review Committee and what does it do?

Members: Please REGISTER for the Web Site by completing the Contact Information form.

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